Friday, September 27, 2013

Why risk the life of my Family?

When I drive I am aware of everything.  Or atleast I think I am.  I watch and slow down.  I wait my turn. I use my turn signals.  I stop and look before entering a highway.  I drive slower when the weather is bad.  We use seat belts(most of the time).  The music is on but not to loud.  I yield to other drivers.  I am a defensive driver.

Why in the hell do others feel it is acceptable to risk my life and the lives of my children?  You can wait 12 seconds and not pull out in front of me.  There is no one behind me.  But no, you want me to slam on brakes, snap the necks of my children, scare the piss out of all of us.  You however are completely unaffected.  What if my breaks had failed, or what if my new teen driver was behind the wheel?  Do you even think about the other drivers on the road?  Of course you don't.  You get where you are going 2 minutes early and I and my children could be dead on the side of the road.  That just sucks.  Yes,  I am alive but that is thanks to me and my Defensive Driving.   I wonder now how many lives could be saved if drivers were more concerned about other drivers rather than themselves.

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