Friday, September 13, 2013

Putin OP-ED Controversery

They just keep talking about how it was irresponsible of The New York Times to run the op-ed piece.  How so I say?  It is an opinion editorial.  He was not offensive or threatening.  Putin very eloquently gave us his perspective of the Syrian/American/Government situations.  Why is it wrong? Some believe the Times' readers will believe Putin's every word.  Some say it is spreading propaganda.  I say freedom of speech.  Now I know some, most would say he isn't a US citizen and therefore should not be afforded this right.  That is kind of true.  However, we have all read article relating to illegal aliens.  We have all seen illegals gather and march.  We have all heard illegals giving interviews.  They, the illegals, are given the same rights as all US citizens.  They receive medicaid/medicare, food stamps, housing, jobs, education, and now in CA they can receive a DL.  So give our rights to one non citizen you must give them to all.

Based on this train of thought, printing the op-ed was a smart move on the part of the Times.  Cudos to taking a risk and finally printing something I want to read.  Unbiased news has been missing for years.  That piece is generating conversations and deeper thought.  It brings a new perspective to the table.  It  makes me want to read more.  And honestly, anything that is so public and puts Obama in his well deserved bad light is OK with me.

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