Friday, September 27, 2013

Why risk the life of my Family?

When I drive I am aware of everything.  Or atleast I think I am.  I watch and slow down.  I wait my turn. I use my turn signals.  I stop and look before entering a highway.  I drive slower when the weather is bad.  We use seat belts(most of the time).  The music is on but not to loud.  I yield to other drivers.  I am a defensive driver.

Why in the hell do others feel it is acceptable to risk my life and the lives of my children?  You can wait 12 seconds and not pull out in front of me.  There is no one behind me.  But no, you want me to slam on brakes, snap the necks of my children, scare the piss out of all of us.  You however are completely unaffected.  What if my breaks had failed, or what if my new teen driver was behind the wheel?  Do you even think about the other drivers on the road?  Of course you don't.  You get where you are going 2 minutes early and I and my children could be dead on the side of the road.  That just sucks.  Yes,  I am alive but that is thanks to me and my Defensive Driving.   I wonder now how many lives could be saved if drivers were more concerned about other drivers rather than themselves.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Some People should not have Children

Thanks to the readily available multiple forms of birth control, many women that do not want or should not have children are able to take action.  In the 60's and 70's the options were few and there was a stigma attached to using birth control especially if you were a married woman.  I am unfortunately/fortunately a product of parents that should only have been allowed to have pets.  My dad loved a woman the woman did not love him and they married.  Mistake.  The woman, my mother, already had a child and did not want anymore.  She went on to have three more.  I am a twin and am grateful for it.  I have two older sister that I have no relationship with.  My father has shown love and care for the children of his second and third wives but I am not in the loop and though it sucks it is peaceful.  My mother has a relationship with her first child and the grandchildren from that child but no relationship with her other three children or the 9 other grandchildren.  She does have dogs and they are treated very well.  She works as a volunteer in a hospital and she is liked and loved.  Some believe she is just awesome.  I don't.  As this is my blog I can write what I want.  So I have written all I want for now.  If you have loving parents...Congratulations.  If you don't...My condolences and enjoy the peace.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Putin OP-ED Controversery

They just keep talking about how it was irresponsible of The New York Times to run the op-ed piece.  How so I say?  It is an opinion editorial.  He was not offensive or threatening.  Putin very eloquently gave us his perspective of the Syrian/American/Government situations.  Why is it wrong? Some believe the Times' readers will believe Putin's every word.  Some say it is spreading propaganda.  I say freedom of speech.  Now I know some, most would say he isn't a US citizen and therefore should not be afforded this right.  That is kind of true.  However, we have all read article relating to illegal aliens.  We have all seen illegals gather and march.  We have all heard illegals giving interviews.  They, the illegals, are given the same rights as all US citizens.  They receive medicaid/medicare, food stamps, housing, jobs, education, and now in CA they can receive a DL.  So give our rights to one non citizen you must give them to all.

Based on this train of thought, printing the op-ed was a smart move on the part of the Times.  Cudos to taking a risk and finally printing something I want to read.  Unbiased news has been missing for years.  That piece is generating conversations and deeper thought.  It brings a new perspective to the table.  It  makes me want to read more.  And honestly, anything that is so public and puts Obama in his well deserved bad light is OK with me.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Political Poo

Oh the political poo on the news.  No matter how the words are rearranged the message is still the same.   No real news, nothing new, mostly opinions or interpretations of fact.  Obama lies and Putin is lying.  No one has credibility, no one can be trusted.  You can't change the minds of the masses.  Obama followers will and are following him into the most embarrassing situations.  Gobbling up all he says and parroting same to all who listen. So many conflicting stories I don't even know what is real and not real anymore.  He did not draw a red line, the world did. He is against war, yet is now supporting it.  He wants Americans to have jobs, yet makes it more appealing to live off the Government.  He wants affordable health care for all Americans, yet the cost is to high for the average earner.  He wants fairness and equality yet supports all foreign rights and freedoms at the same time denying the rights of legal citizens  . He wants young people to take responsibility for there lives and at the same time suggests we not punish black youths.  He wants a balanced budget yet spends taxpayer dollars on vacations, dog groomers, private parties and sending more American dollars overseas.  He want to end the violence in foreign countries yet sends guns.  I am so frustrated and irritated.  My faith in the government is gone.  I am now looking at all of Washington as one big SOAP opera.  Lots of money, Lots of lies, dwindling ratings and desperate attempts of the older cast members to make sure no one forget who they are.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I was still half asleep

This morning started like every other morning.  Turn off alarm, wake up kids, fix husbands thermos, check on kids, let dogs out, fix husband glass of tea, tell son to brush teethe and hair, make coffee, check on daughter, pour up tea to go in the fridge, fix cup of coffee, put on water for new pitcher of tea(we have two gallons at all times in Fridge), straighten blankets on bed, get dressed, get a sip of coffee, finish making the tea, fix or get kids breakfast, breakfast drink, or breakfast bar, get kids in car, kiss husband goodbye, let dogs back in, and take kids to school.  And all of this takes place between 7-7:30am.  Yep that all happens every Mon-Fri.

Today was a little different.  One of the dogs peed on the kitchen floor.  While I was still half asleep all I could think was, I need to bleach that spot.  Without thinking I just poured the bleach straight on the pee.  I heard the fizzy sound and ok, now I am awake.  Ammonia and Chlorine do not mix well, to say the least.  The smell and the fumes had me catching my breath and even after several hours of doors being opened, fresh air coming in and many rinsings  there is still a bleachy smell and weird taste in my mouth.  I may have to rearrange my morning routine and make the coffee first.  Or just get up a little earlier.  No, not getting up earlier.  May just buy some face masks.

How Does He Do It?

Obama again people.  I didn't draw a red line.  The nation drew a red line.  The world drew a red line.  How in the hell can he make such a statement when there is video evidence that he did in fact say it? How is it that seemingly intelligent educated people believe him and even support and defend him?  He opens his mouth and we know the lies are coming but some just can't help being sucked in.  I know I can not change the minds of the 10's of millions of people that legitimately and legally voted for him, however, they all need to wake the hell up and take off the kool-aid blinders.

 For some, their quality of life is better because of him.  Where I live the quality of lives are the same or getting worse.  The lack of full time work, increasing food costs, rising utility bills, gas prices and lack of affordable heath care are creating a vicious cycle of non recovery.

Obama just keeps saying the same things.  The economy is improving, health care is affordable, the housing market is improving, unemployment is going down, and my favorite, yet unspoken, I am a king.  All lies if you look around my town.  No one I know is thriving financially.  Businesses are still closing.  The cost of starting a new business is ridiculous.   Pay check to pay check is the main way of life here and the checks are getting smaller and the cost of living is going up.  Here in the Fl panhandle people are struggling to stay afloat and I am referring to the hard working people of our town, not the ones that have been living off government assistance for years and now believe it is a career option.

How has Obama helped?  Please, if your life has improved because of Obama's choices and decisions, if something he did has helped you improve your life, please tell me.  Right now I feel we still have no hope and lots of change and I would really like to know How is your life better.