Monday, September 26, 2011

Education of a Murderer

Diane Downs is in prison for the murder of her daughter and the attempted murder of her other two children.  Recently she earned her AA in General Studies.  I am confused because she is in prison and should be entitled to nothing.  My student debt is over $7000 right now and that is after I have been paying it down for 6 years.  Who paid for her education?  I am sure she is not the only one.  So who pays? 

The government and state.  She is one of tens of thousands of criminals that benefit in some way for their crimes.  Education, Therapy, Medical care, Housing.  Some criminals live better than the working poor.  That is wrong on so many levels.  I just feel sick. 

Why are prisoners entitled to any luxury?  They deserve only the minimum to survive.  Instead they have perks and earn special priveleges.  They have cigarettes and drugs.  They get internet access and cable TV.  Some prisons are air conditioned and prisoners have access to state of the art gym equiptment.  Why?

Is it campaigning

Obama on the road.  He is the President right now, but it seems he is also campaigning.  On our tax dollars.  I get that he has to set himself up for the next election, but it is shameful that he is right now using tax dollars to take road trips and speak out against the Republican party. 

As President, he is obligated to support both parties equally to decide what is best for the American people.  He is supposed to be impartial in these matters.  Weighing both sides of the issues and finding compromises that fit our needs. 

Obama is an agenda HO.  The Dem's are the good guys and the Reps are the evil bully's.  He is not willing to compromise or find a common ground.  His lack of experience in Government and Leadership is showing and at the moment, We the People are stuck with him.   He does just enough to keep his job but nothing grand to prove he deserves the job.  If his job security depended on performance reviews he would be out of work by now, but the President is above this.  Unfortunate.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


$300Billion for Jobs.  What can Obama really do?  Tax credits for companies to temporarily hire people and extend the unemployment benefits. 

What we need is higher taxes on companies that out-source to foreign countries and more fines and fees for companies that use illegal aliens for slave wages.  Start a new buy American campaign and send all tax payers $25,000 to dump into the economy.  Encourage banks to work with people on a managable level to pay their mortgages.  Low interest business loans for small businessess in rural areas so they can stay open and hire workers.  Their are plenty of ways to help Americans with out dumping Billons of dollars back into the pockets of big businesses.  Dig deeper Obama.  I know pulling your head out of your ass with ears that big won't be easy but give it a try.  We Americans would really appreciate it.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

" If you do what you've always done you will get what you've alway gotten"

this was said by Anthony Robbins

My blogging mistake

I have random thoughts like everyone else.  I was hoping to express myself in an intelligent manner and perhaps make a difference in someones life.  That just isn't me.  I am sarcastic and funny.  I try to find the humor in most things and sometimes I am just mean.  Mean just for sake of being mean.  Mean, just for the sake of being funny.  Sometimes I am sympathetic to the plight of humanity, but most times I don't feel sorry for anyone but children.  My life has it's own issues and I have an entire family I intend to write about without pity or concern for their feelings.  I am going to use this blog for my own therapy and I hope some of you can relate and maybe, just maybe we can all help each other out.

Friday, August 26, 2011

I don't understand

In the news this week, a woman threw her 7-month old son from the fourth floor of a parking garage.  The baby died.  The woman is apparently suffering from post-pardon depression.  OK.  Why, if she is so depressed, did she have the cognizant ability to remove the babies special helmet? and Why did she remember to go into the Medical center office and have her parking validated?

Also,  she is here illegally and has been to court three times for driving without a license and no insurance. How does and illegal alien go to court in the United States and no one notices that she is not supposed to be here?


Just this morning on the way to the school a truck pulled out in front of me, causing me to slam on the breaks, spill my coffee, and possibly concuss my dog.  I check the rear-view mirror and notice there is no one behind me.  Nothing.  Not a single car, truck, or tractor.  This butt-head could have caused serious damage to me, my children, or on coming traffic.  Why not wait.  30 seconds is not going to save your job or prevent a tardy at school.  Not waiting could cost someone their life. 

Pick a side...Not

The news is full of Dem and Rep's.  Independents, Tea-parties, and GOP.  Liberal and Conservatives.  All these labels mean nothing to me.  There should be only two label.  Liars and better liars. 

Today the government is just like high school.  There are the popular kids, small group with all the power, and the wannabes, slightly bigger group, trying to get the power.  Each group blaming the other for the damage they themselves created.  However, just like school, we voted for the most popular to be in control.  We voted for the best liar.  We knew the class president could not really do all they claimed they would, and we knew everything was going to require a vote.  The vote was always split and you went with the idea or suggestion that would create the least waves.

Today we have a President that can't do anything on his own.  Everything takes months and lots of committees and lots of voting.  No one wants to tick of the president, but at the same time everyone wants to gets there own way.  Two governing parties that can't agree.  The president constantly blaming any one but himself, the Dem's blame the Reps.  The Reps. blame the Dem's.  And nothing gets done. 

Our leaders have become the class clowns and the disinterested problematic kid in the back of the room.  They no longer care about what is best for America, they are concerned with themselves.  They have forgotten they were hired to do a job.  Work for what is in the best interest of the American people not what is in the best interest of your wallet.  Congress is a joke.  They can't stop fighting long enough to accomplish anything that is even remotely important to the people that voted for them.  They have forgotten what they are in Washington to do and we, the people, have given up.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bright White

In America today, I almost feel I should be ashamed or embarrassed because I am white.  I should also mention I am a full figured, large chested, blue eyed blond haired woman.  I feel some days I am a walking stereo-type of each trait that society either wants or hates.  I have an AA-Business Administration and I am unemployed.  Not by choice.  Again a stereo-type.

 I am proud to be white. As white as the stars on the flag.  However, if I say this out loud to friends and a stranger over hears, I am a racist.  It is ok to be proud and black.  It is admirable to be an immigrant and find success in America.  Asian-American.  Another title to be proud of.  American-Indian. Proud to be the originals.  All these groups of people are free to voice their pride in their heritage.  I, as a white woman, do not enjoy that freedom.

In the land of the free, white people are often persecuted for the pride they take in their heritage.  White people constantly have to watch we say because what comes out of  our mouth can affect our jobs, our standing in the community, our ability to run for public office and even how we are treated when we shop.  I don't believe the majority of white people are racist or prejudiced.  We are just proud of who and what we are.  The word white is almost a dirty word these days.  The color white is the absence of everything and I am afraid, that one day, being white will mean the absence of me.

What happens to my money?

Recently the government issued a statement suggesting the cut backs on Entitlement programs.  I thought this made sense until I saw what the government thought of as some of the programs and my husband asked me a simple question:  Why is Social Security an Entitlement program?  I said because you are entitled to it if you qualify.  Very simple answer. Right?  Not so much.  An hour of so later, with the help of several aspirin and iced tea, I finally understood what my husband was actually asking.  Welfare is an entitlement program, yet you don't pay into it.  Medicaid is an Entitlement , yet you don't pay into that.  You do get the help if you qualify, but you have not given one penny in the past to deserve.  Why is it, that a program I do pay into, falls into the entilement progam status?

Social Security is, by law, taken out of our paychecks every week, two weeks, or monthly.  It is the law. You pay it, no choice here.  You don't pay social security tax,  you can go to jail, pay fines, be audited, or have you wages garnished for a government debt.  None of this is good.  You have to pay it.  

The government is calling Social Security an Entitlement program and they want to cut it.  How can that be when we paid the government our money. They forced us to do it and now they don't want to pay it. Will they cut every tax paying citizen a check for the money they took, plus interest.  I think not.  Our social security investment was to provide for our retirement.  When they decide to cut social security we will be no better off than the tens of thousands of employees that lost their pensions to bad company practices.