Monday, September 26, 2011

Is it campaigning

Obama on the road.  He is the President right now, but it seems he is also campaigning.  On our tax dollars.  I get that he has to set himself up for the next election, but it is shameful that he is right now using tax dollars to take road trips and speak out against the Republican party. 

As President, he is obligated to support both parties equally to decide what is best for the American people.  He is supposed to be impartial in these matters.  Weighing both sides of the issues and finding compromises that fit our needs. 

Obama is an agenda HO.  The Dem's are the good guys and the Reps are the evil bully's.  He is not willing to compromise or find a common ground.  His lack of experience in Government and Leadership is showing and at the moment, We the People are stuck with him.   He does just enough to keep his job but nothing grand to prove he deserves the job.  If his job security depended on performance reviews he would be out of work by now, but the President is above this.  Unfortunate.

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