Friday, August 26, 2011

Pick a side...Not

The news is full of Dem and Rep's.  Independents, Tea-parties, and GOP.  Liberal and Conservatives.  All these labels mean nothing to me.  There should be only two label.  Liars and better liars. 

Today the government is just like high school.  There are the popular kids, small group with all the power, and the wannabes, slightly bigger group, trying to get the power.  Each group blaming the other for the damage they themselves created.  However, just like school, we voted for the most popular to be in control.  We voted for the best liar.  We knew the class president could not really do all they claimed they would, and we knew everything was going to require a vote.  The vote was always split and you went with the idea or suggestion that would create the least waves.

Today we have a President that can't do anything on his own.  Everything takes months and lots of committees and lots of voting.  No one wants to tick of the president, but at the same time everyone wants to gets there own way.  Two governing parties that can't agree.  The president constantly blaming any one but himself, the Dem's blame the Reps.  The Reps. blame the Dem's.  And nothing gets done. 

Our leaders have become the class clowns and the disinterested problematic kid in the back of the room.  They no longer care about what is best for America, they are concerned with themselves.  They have forgotten they were hired to do a job.  Work for what is in the best interest of the American people not what is in the best interest of your wallet.  Congress is a joke.  They can't stop fighting long enough to accomplish anything that is even remotely important to the people that voted for them.  They have forgotten what they are in Washington to do and we, the people, have given up.

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